Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On Time and Eternity...and Love

It has been nearly a year since I last shared with you...though many ideas have been swarming through my head...
But there was something else I had to write first and somehow just couldn't find the courage to put the words down in black and white.  You know how it is - things seem more real...more harsh...when they are written...but it is done now, and I am back with you.

So much has transpired in our lives that it really seems like an eternity rather than a year.  So many emotions have passed over us, it is hard to describe. Joy after years of waiting...a day almost happier than the day I married the Love of my life...shock, heartbreak and devastation...then...inexplicably, almost unbelievably, joy after sorrow. Through it all, I can truly say all the time that God is good, and that He is good all the time.

As I head out to my garden for early spring work, I calculate the new projects, the ideas, the plans, the cleaning, the raking, the weeding, the pruning, the fertilizing...and on...and on....and it just seems like there is not nearly enough time. Yet when I get out there, everything else fades away. Time ceases to exist. My precious daughters help me. As we prune and weed, we talk of dreams great and small, near and far. I see my middle son running across the yard, and as he runs, I can see his imagination carrying him to far-away, magical places. Then a sudden crash back to reality, as my oldest son comes to mind...a young man now, no longer the little boy with mud on his face and a fistfull of dandelions for he has his own plans and dreams, though he holds me in the same place in his beautiful heart that he ever did. No, indeed there really is not enough time.  Then the clock is rolled back again as one daughter comes twirling outside to me, carrying our newest joy - our beautiful new baby boy.  "Mama, Evan needs you!"  The sweetest words a mother could ever hear - that her child needs her!

What is time? Hours, minutes and seconds? Days, weeks, months and years? Of course, but how can a year pass by in a moment, yet a moment seem like an eternity? What then is left for us? How are we to manage such an elastic commodity? There can only be one answer: To fill our moments with love as we would fill our gardens with roses. Love that we nurture and care for as ardently as a rosarian tends his garden. Why? Because then we are not only filling Time, we are filling Eternity. After all, Love never dies.

Happy Gardening!