It was May, 2003, and very near our 11th wedding anniversary. Our youngest of four children was almost a year old, and we were rapidly out-growing the tiny single-wide trailer house provided for us by the mission we were working with at that time. So we went house-hunting. The place we settled on was the very place that I had felt drawn to for years. Every time we drove by it, I remember thinking, "I could live there!"
Now, to tell you the truth, there really was more wrong with the place than right. It was definitely a "fixer-upper"...a handy man's dream come true! Yet, in spite of its obvious short-comings, my husband (the practical one) saw three major advantages: 1. It had a nice, big kitchen for me. 2. It had a garage where he could earn money to provide for us. 3. (and most importantly) The price was right.
But I saw only one thing. I could garden here. The place is protected to the north and west by a mountain, and all around by the neighborhood. You see, here in the Chihuahuan Desert, sand drifts like the snow up north. Only with one major difference: the drifts and mounds of snow up north kept my sleeping garden protected from the harshness of the winter. The murderous sandstorms of the southwest destroy everything in their wake. So as my wise, practical husband was considering the pros and cons of the place, I went snooping around the yard...and what I did NOT find was perfect. There were no sand drifts, though the place had been empty for two years. Yes, indeed, I could garden here. We had truly chosen the right place!
Last Wednesday, my beautiful Zephirine Drouhin was absolutely covered with blooms.So beautiful, so perfect, so obviously enjoying the spot I had chosen for her to grow. Then came Thursday...and the winds...and by Friday morning, my beauty was nearly stripped bare of all her glory!
Even though we had painstakingly agonized over the decision to purchase this land, and we knew it was the right place, even though we are protected from the worst of the blowing sand, the winds still find their way into my garden. But don't despair, Penny! Saturday morning I went out to survey the damages, and do some weeding and pruning, and right there - next to the faded, torn, and destroyed blooms - are the buds of the next round of blossoms!
Even though we, by the grace of God, and agonizing in prayer, strive to make the right decisions in life and do the very best we can, hardships like winds still manage to find their way into our lives. But don't despair, my dear friends! Right next to your broken dreams are the buds of new blessings! Remember to trust the Master Gardener - He knows your heart even better than you do and He loves you.
Keep on gardening! The next round of blossoms - and the next round of blessings - are on their way.
Happy Gardening!
My beautiful Zephie in full bloom, framing the garden beyond